Electricity bills are a major expense that many people have to bear, especially those who live in apartments and often use a variety of electrical appliances. If you are someone who lives in an apartment and is looking for ways to reduce your electricity bills within a controllable budget, this article has 5 easy tips that will help you save energy and reduce your electricity bill effectively.


1. Choose energy-saving electrical appliances
Electrical appliances with the Energy Saving Label No. 5 or electrical appliances that are designed to use energy efficiently will help reduce your electricity usage more. For example, switching to LED bulbs instead of fluorescent or incandescent bulbs, which save energy by 50-70% and have a longer lifespan, so you don’t have to change bulbs as often. In addition to saving on electricity bills, it also saves on the cost of replacing bulbs.

2. Unplug appliances when not in use
Even though appliances are turned off, leaving them plugged in still consumes some electricity, such as TVs, phone chargers, or microwaves, which we often forget to unplug. Therefore, unplug them every time they are not in use, or choose a power strip with an on/off switch for convenience.

3. Set the air conditioner temperature appropriately. Setting the air conditioner temperature to around 25-27 degrees Celsius will help reduce energy consumption significantly. And don’t forget to clean the air filter regularly. Because a dirty filter will make the air conditioner work harder and use more electricity.

4. Use the washing machine properly
For those who have to wash clothes with a washing machine, you should wash the appropriate amount of clothes and if it is a washing machine that can select the water temperature mode, you should choose the cold water wash mode to reduce the energy consumption from heating the water. And if you can dry clothes naturally, avoid using a dryer because dryers use a lot of energy and waste electricity.

5. Use natural light instead of light
During the day, you should open the curtains to let natural light into the room instead of turning on the lights all day. In addition to saving electricity, it also makes the room look airy and reduces humidity.


Reducing your electricity bill in your apartment is not difficult if we start making small changes to our daily behaviors, whether it’s choosing to use energy-saving appliances, turning them off and unplugging them when not in use, or making the most of natural light. These changes will not only help you cut costs, but will also help reduce your environmental impact in the long run.